[J7] N Nazar, N Chen, C Y Chong, CodeLabeller: A web-based code annotation tool for Java Design Patterns and Summaries, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. [SCI/E Indexed; Scopus Q3; Core B; IF=1.007].
[J6] N Nazar, A Aleti, Y Zheng, Feature-based Software Design Pattern Detection, Journal of Systems and Software Vol. 185. [SCI/E Indexed; Scopus Q1; Core A; IF=3.514]
[J5] H Jiang, N Nazar, J Zhang, T Zhang, Z Ren, PRST: A pagerank-based summarization technique for summarizing bug reports with duplicates, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Vol. 27, No. 06, pp. 869-896. [SCI/E Indexed; Scopus Q3; Core B; IF=1.007].
[J4] H Jiang, J Zhang, H Ma, N Nazar, Z Ren, Mining authorship characteristics in bug repositories, Science China Information Sciences 60: 012107. [SCI/E Indexed; Scopus Q1; Core B; IF=7.275].
[J3] N Nazar, Y Hu, H Jiang, Summarizing software artifacts: A literature review, Journal of Computer Science and Technology Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 883-909. [SCI/E Indexed; Scopus Q2; Core B; IF=1.871].
[J2] N Nazar, H Jiang, G Gao, T Zhang, X Li, Z Ren, Source code fragment summarization with small-scale crowdsourcing based features, Frontiers of Computer Science Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 504-517. [SCI/E Indexed; Scopus Q2; IF=2.669].
[J1] N Nazar, TMJ Rakotomahefa, Analysis of a Small Company for Software Product Line Adoption--An Industrial Case Study, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 313-322. [EI Indexed; Scopus Q4].